This website has two purposes, one of which is to show my work to friends, and the other to act as a catalog for the work that has been done in the last 30 years. This makes for a lot of works and a lot of images. Thank you Kitty McCarthy for organizing the myriad pieces into a cohesive entity. I needed that.
I have always been fascinated by light. As a young child in Brooklyn, the elevated trains running through my neighborhood delighted and frightened me. When the trains were not running on the tracks there would be streams of light coming down through the tracks and then as the train rumbled past, all light would disappear and my world would be dark. The quality of light and how it plays as it goes through barriers has been the main emphasis of my work for many years. Train tracks, old factories, old churches have been the subject matter purely to convey the light coming through.
Some of the work does not have this emphasis because I branched out. Who knows what’s next.